Since 1990 I have been teaching optical- and electronical signal processing at the FH Muenchen (University of Applied Sciences - Muenchen - Germany), Dept. 06. Over the past years I have also worked as an independent consultant in various IT areas, administrative and network analyst roles, with indepth experience in server and database systems (mostly Linux, MySQL), telecommuncation systems (ISDN, DSL, VPN Routers, Asterisk pbx sofware).
I am activly seeking and inviting contract based consulting opportunities for
- signal analysis and image processing technology
- small business IT networking, server systems and VoIP solutions
- data security encryption and decryption technology: concepts and applications
- developing and supporting of dynamical websites or/and CMS-software using Typo3, PHP, MySQL, Java, HTML, XML, CSS ..... .....
- installing and supporting online-shops based of xtcModified with their SEO units
If you like to get in contact, please email me at: